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ASSANA is a 2.5 hour self-love, yoga embodiment practice in your underwear

(sexy ass lingerie, shorts&vest or even your biggest grannie knickers!).

In this BODY-ACCEPTANCE workshop, I will guide you through a journey of

self-discovery: to cultivate deep reverence for yourself. To experience the healing and transformative power of movement of both body and mind. 

This is a safe and non-judgemental transformative space where we get to share and grow together. 


These workshops are held both in-person and online. 

Absolutely no experience necessary!



This practice is for those who want to:

  • Have a more kind & compassionate relationship with themselves and their bodies with community, love and laughter

  • Experience somatic moves which help you process stored feelings and emotions in your body and move through them in a healthy intentional way

  • Heal body image issues or lack of confidence, and show up in their every day life, feeling like an absolute snack

  • Connect with other like-minded people and experience sharing a space with a variety of people and bodies, where we all get to radically accept ourselves, just as we are

  • Learn the tools to self-regulate the nervous system and lead from a place of love, from the heart

  • Be able to tap into the frequencies of love, sexiness, confidence & safety whenever they need

  • Enjoy the subtleties and sensuality of moving in their own body

  • Walk out of the workshop feeling like their true, empowered BADDASS self, knowing they are completely deserving of feeling good in their body and themselves, regardless of how you look


  • People in varying styles of underwear

  • Mixed genders or Women&Non-binary only workshops
    (All events are LQBTQIA+ and female safe spaces!)

  • Private, warm cosy environments, where we can feel safe and relaxed

  • Welcome circle

  • An eclectic playlist 

  • Self-enquiry journalling

  • Conscious communication

  • Breathwork & meditation

  • Positive affirmations

  • Gentle hatha yoga asana

  • Guided embodied free-movement

  • Love&kindness self-massage

  • Baddass self-love guided meditation 

  • Relaxation

  • Closing sharing circle

  • Fun polaroid solo photoshoot & group shot (optional) 


"After years of battling my own body image issues and crippling self-doubt, which ruled my life. I realised how much how I negatively experienced being in my body and my mind. Since training as a yoga teacher (something in the past I thought someone like me: curvy, non-flexible, fatigued & clumsy could never do!), I realised just how much the relationship I had with my body, my stories and my thoughts completely dictated every aspect of my life.


When practising these embodiment practices and moving in my underwear, it all becomes part of my acceptance of where I'm at; improves how I experience being in my body and so freedom to be comfortable in my own skin, to feel empowered, to take chances and cultivate

deep love for myself."



"I'm ready to be brave.
Take a chance.
To really know & love myself."

What ASSANA babes are saying:

“WOW. WOW. WOW. Feeling so in my beautiful, juicy body after this ASSANA workshop with Ally. Sometimes I find these kinds of things can be a lil slow and boring, but Ally brought humour & such a f*ing wonderful energy. Truly on top of the world today!

There were some really emotional and tender moments for me during this practice, but I felt absolutely safe to explore and accept all parts of myself that wanted to be expressed.

Thankyou for the guidance and such a nourishing practice, it was so special to connect with myself on such a loving level.”


“This is the first time I've done anything like this and was feeling really nervous about being so vulnerable. Also being a guy and wondering if this would be for me. But it was absolutely FANTASTIC!


Anyone and everyone can benefit from ASSANA. I'm feeling inspired to start making immediate changes in my life. Alis leads with her personality and charisma shining through. Highly recommend it to anyone that wants to love themselves a little more, whilst having a great time.”


“What a beautiful evening! As someone who doesn't like yoga, Alis made me feel comfortable, relaxed, sexy and, dare I say, I even had fun. I particularly loved the freedom of movement she encouraged and the clear instructions, so I could make it my own. That felt really good. 

The space felt warm and inviting from get go, I loved the orange smells Alis chose. I melted away in the relaxation at the end. 

I've been buzzing all week after this practice. Feeling like an absolute baddass." 


“Alis!! Thank you so much for hosting this ASSANA experience.  It was really fun to experience asana in a different way and to combine self-love work with the practice. It really got me out of my comfort zone and helped me bring awareness to the parts of my body that needed some tending to.


It reminded me how negatively I think about my body on a subconscious level and how that affects how I experience life. I now feel I have tools to come back to and has started healing my relationship with myself and my body.”


  • How do I book?
    Check out the upcoming workshops here and it's all booked online. If the immersion has already begun, you can join the waitlist to join next time here.
  • How much will it cost?
    This first round will be £70 in exchange for feedback, testimonials and SM sharing. The price will go up in the next round. As I feel strongly that these experiences should be accessible to everyone and no-one should be left out because of money. Payment plans are always available. As well as one scholarship place per round. Drop me an email, so we can work out a payment situation that works for you.
  • Is it only live or will it be recorded?
    Yes. All sessions will be recorded and all recordings available to watch for one week after the live. Although I think it's more beneficial to be present live and interact with the group, I understand it's not always possible. So if you're not able to make it live, you can catch up on the replay.
  • What do I need to bring to SLAY?
    Every week is slightly different. You'll receive an email before each session with what to bring. Your awesome self, an open mind and heart! Mat, yoga props/bricks/blocks/bolsters, cushions. Comfy clothing, you rock whatever you want my love! A towel or blanket to cover your mat. A second blanket to cover yourself. An eye pillow (optional). A journal & pen. ASSANA week: You can wear whatever you deem to be underwear, that feels right for you! Bring your thong & bra, shorts & crop top, big knickers, boxers, y-fronts, boxers & vest, bodysuit, bikini, swimming cossie, latex, lingerie, g-string & sports bra. Be comfortable and/or wear something you've been wanting to wear, but haven't felt brave enough! Be courageous. 😍 A dressing gown or big warm jumper and some cosy socks. BADDASS week: You can come exactly as your baddass self would. Maybe it's your favourite or sexiest outfit; your sequins; your bikini, your banging jumpsuit, your face painted, glitter. Bring your imagination, personality and flavour! Whilst being something you can still comfortably move in. Optional: hairy toes, wobbly knees, jiggly butt, soft belly and your heart. ❤️
  • Do I have to have my camera on?
    I always prefer us all to have our cameras on, so we can all feel a level of comfort&trust and so I can make sure you're safe. But of course you're welcome to join without.
  • How many sessions will there be?
    5 x 90mins sessions. Plus TWO surprise live sessions.
  • The container has already started, can I still join?
    No. One of the most important elements I think to these containers is creating community, so I like to keep the containers closed once we start. However, you can join the waitlist here for the next SLAY journey.
  • Is SLAY beginner friendly?
    Oh yeah baby! All my offerings are inclusive and generally gentle, slow-paced and prop-led practices. I will never refer to any practice as easy or hard (as that is completely relative to your own body and experience). I offer lots of variations, you get to choose what works for you! So whether you're an experienced yogi, dancer, already an embodied baddass or just starting out, been to a billion "wellness" events or never been to one, no fear, I got you! The guided and intuitive movements in the practice you can make your own, there is no wrong or right way. I always encourage you to make all the practices your own. We are all unique.
  • Is it bigger body friendly?
    Most definitely! I'm here to celebrate you! I know how daunting it can be for anyone coming into "wellness" spaces and I welcome everyone. I provide lots of variations, so you can choose what works best for your body. There is no wrong and right ways for you to move your body or shapes that you make.
  • What do I need to bring?
    An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about you or your business, such as “Where do you ship to?”, “What are your opening hours?” or “How can I book a service?” It’s a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your site’s SEO.
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